Dangan Ronpa Enoshima Junko Tie

Dangan Ronpa Enoshima Junko Tie
Price: $26.40
Style: Standard Tie (Choose more styles...)
Zazzle tie created by KonnichiwaZetsubo10 (July 19, 2013, 12:36 am)
Product ID: 151956841503553582
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Upupupu! Super High School Level Despair's own simply-stylish, undoubtedly fashionable, supposedly-charismatic necktie, reproduced here by Zazzle and some Monokumas in some sweatshop somewhere! Show your friends and family your overwhelming love of despair-inducing despair (before you sacrifice them to it)! Or wear it ironically, if you're some sort of hipster of hope (Super High School Level Hipster? Pretentious Jerk?).