Get Well Poem Card

Get Well Poem Card
Price: $3.97
Style: 5x7 (Choose more styles...)
Zazzle foldedgreetingcard created by CuppateaAvery (September 9, 2023, 7:15 am)
Product ID: 256654358384296205
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A poem can express so much and a few simple words to show support and encouragement can mean the world to that person who needs it. #illness #friendwhoissick #getwellsoon

About Heart Designs Gifts Store

CGM Heart Designs is a Zazzle store that creates products with heart-shaped and heart-patterned designs. We believe in spreading love, one product at a time! Our customers are usually looking for ways to show their significant other how much they care about them. It's not just all presents though, we also have products like coffee mugs, phone cases, and even notebooks with our designs on them! Our mission is to spread love through an eclectic mix of beautiful, thoughtful gifts that show the recipient how special they are.
Check out our products at CGM Heart Designs store.