Warbling Vireo John James Audubon Birdwatcher Bird Button

Warbling Vireo John James Audubon Birdwatcher Bird Button
Price: $3.90
Style: Round Button (Choose more styles...)
Zazzle button created by natureouswild (December 7, 2021, 4:34 pm)
Product ID: 145108555983892189
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This artwork was painted by French artist and ornithologist John James Audubon using watercolor paints with pen-and-ink. The painting was completed in the early 1800's. The Warbling Vireo is found in all of the United States with the exception of the southeastern states and Alaska. This is a plain looking Vireo with gray upperparts and light underparts with a possible light yellow wash. The Warbling Vireo has a very distinctive song. Warbling Vireo is a fine piece of bird art by John James Audubon.