Catholic Jesus First Communion Invitations

Catholic Jesus First Communion Invitations
Price: $2.57
Style: 4.5x6.25 (Choose more styles...)
Zazzle invitation3 created by ShowerOfRoses (February 13, 2021, 2:16 am)
Product ID: 256136003032876795
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Featuring our traditional Catholic First Holy Communion invitation with Jesus holding the Eucharist with angels offering it to a young boy and girl at the altar. The saints accompanying them are St. Aloysius Gonzaga and St. Agnes. Suitable for a boy or a girl's Communion. On the back is a scripture quote with a black and white image of the Host, Chalice, & wheat representing the Bread of Life, Jesus. The background on both sides is a very light ecru lace design. Fonts, texts, and images can be modified. The Shower of Roses Shoppe also offers coordinating Remembrance Holy Cards.