Design store powered by Zazzle - custom gifts, personalized products, quality printing
Price: $4.17
Style: 5x7 (Choose more styles...)
Zazzle foldedgreetingcard created by GreyOwlVintage (April 13, 2022, 2:30 am)
Product ID: 256736280990518616
Ballet Dancer with Arms Crossed (1872) by French impressionist artist Edgar Degas. Degas is famous for his pastel drawings and oil paintings. He was a master in depicting movement, as can be seen in his many works of ballet dancers.
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Customize your gifts before you buy them! With Zazzle, create the perfect gift for any occasion and specify what it is that they should send in a message. You can customize anything with the free design tool on their site. Your friends will be so excited when they open up an envelope or a package of goodies just for them after all your hard work designing something special instead of buying off a rack at some big box store where everything looks the same year round!